Title. The Railgun is my favorite weapon from Battle Royale, so I was excited to upgrade it and try it out. Needless to say, it doesn't perform well. Here are my main issues with the weapon.
– For just how clunky and slow-firing this weapon is, it doesn't deal nearly enough damage, which is about the only thing going for this weapon in the first place.
– Piercing felt inconsistent, often it felt as-if shots completely failed to register. Considering how slowly it fires this is unacceptable.
– Irrelevant or useless perks. Fire-rate and magazine size are completely useless on this gun, and the 6th perk options are completely pointless. This weapon should be capable of oneshotting mist monsters, if you are hitting them ten times with this weapon, there is a problem. It should also be fully eliminating enemies below 15% health anyway without need for a perk.
What do y'all think about it?
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/FORTnITE/comments/yuq6xh/the_new_third_rail_sniper_is_underwhelming/