The quests should be slightly altered every wipe

Hello everyone, I'm sure someone else has said this before but it came to my mind a little bit ago. At the beginning of every wipe, the returning players always know to hang on to pink croutons, iskras, morphines, and all sorts of other bullshit for the same find and transfer tasks. Maybe the problem with "players progressing too quickly" is because these quests never change so once people complete one task, they already have the items for the next two tasks they just unlocked. I still enjoy this game to death and will play regardless of what changes are made because there's no other game like it. I just think that it would keep the game fresh each wipe and would keep people from getting burnt out or getting kappa in a fucking week. I'm by no means saying that all of the quests should be changed completely, I'm saying that changing the items needed or maps you needed to go to would be great. Instead of needing mp-133's, or a toz and a shitty lvl 2 armor, maybe we have to find an adar or a vpo and a paca. Instead of having to kill 15 players with an svd for punisher, how about killing 15 players with an m1a or something. Instead of going to shoreline for 80% of peacekeeper's quests, spread them out across the other maps too. Kill 15 players on customs for setup? Why not have a requirement to kill 2-3 players on several maps. Mark the same 3 fucking trading posts on shoreline for like 5 tasks with 3 different traders? The exact same "trading post" is on literally every other fucking map. Instead of finding 15 small tushonkas for therapist, how about instead of needing food she need hygienic shit like toilet paper and toothpaste. If you got this far thanks for reading and let me know what you think.

TLDR: Changing the items needed or maps you needed to go for tasks should be changed to keep the game fresh. In my mind it doesn't seem like it would be too hard to accomplish, but I'm not a dev so I can't say anything. Good Luck in your raids brothers!


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