The Swag Bag added player quantity but not quality

Windranger DOTA 2 Hero Warriors Ice

900K+ Peak Players is amazing and makes me happy to see an aging game get attention again but playing in my last 10 games with 3-stack and in about 8 of those games we always had the other 2 players either being new or coming back again after years of not playing.

We lost 6 games due to lack of coordination, communication and knowledge of what to do in every phase of the game.

I was understanding to a certain degree but there's always a limit to how you can spoonfeed your returning-to-dota teammates as you need to focus on your game as well.

The gameplay was more stressful that normal due to this and just not enjoyable as you had to constantly worry about your other teammates to be atleast somewhat knowledgable of what to do instead of pretending that nothing changed to the game in the past years.

I would even accept it if they were humble enough to ask questions but most were cocky and arrogant to be even corrected in a positive way and still force their own selfish decisions in the game just to prove to themselves that they still got it.

Sorry for the long post but the Swag Bag experience drained me so much in a short span of time.


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