This game will die if they stop wipes after launch.

TLDR: Unless BSG continues the practice of wiping at least twice a year, the game will grow stale and die.

A huge chunk of the player base comes back for a few weeks every wipe. Some of them come to check out the new stuff and changes, but most come back for the fresh economy and fresh progression.

Dedicated players buy 2nd accounts so they can do Hardcore when their main account gets stale. Allowing the game to just run forever without constant expansions or content updates will kill the game.

The best solution, in my opinion, is to take the same approach as Path of Exile.

Have a "Standard" server where all of your progress on your character stays forever, without wipe. Then, every 3 to 6 months introduce a "League" with new content, different modifiers, restrictions, a fresh economy and wiped progression.

I hope BSG realizes this.


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