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Thoughts on international 11

Windranger DOTA 2 Hero Guides

I see a lot of complaining on this app about everything possible, I try to understand both sides of things. I do not think ti is perfect by any means but I’m so happy the game I love is still alive and at this stage of play. In theory if valve wanted to they wouldn’t even have to major tournaments the company financially would be fine if today they said screw this tournament and just shut it down early they would still be fine yeah some upset dota players would not support but look at the overall view of valve owns stream the biggest/best gaming platform on pc. I’m just blessed to see the scene I love still continue, the tournament is not perfect but I know with the given situation the talent/ players are working to the best of their ability. Enjoy the times we’re in one day it won’t be here nothing is guaranteed , enjoy the game on the biggest stage. here in a couple of weeks it will done and time flies, enjoy the show.


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