I hope something like this is allowed, just trying to make it convenient for people to look at what the devs answered.
Will we be able to get stackable smelted ore to place around the world? Like the stone, wood, and coal stacks. I want to decorate my forge more!!
Decorating is always nice, isn't it?
It's absolutely possible that there might be more stackable items in the future, though right now it's not a priority.
When cooking items such as stew, soup, etc, can we have an option to create batches of ten based on the available incidents in our inventory? I.e. if I have enough to create ten carrot stews from my inventory, it would be nice to click once vs ten times.
This is something that we have discussed before and it's something we have considered to expand on later during the game development. We already have some things you can make in batches (arrows, bronze bars etc.) This will require lot of GUI changes to be done. And it's also not something we can change in short time. It's not in our "to-do" list yet, but it is something highly requested, and we agree also it's something that could be nice to have as feature
Any plans for more uses for black metal in building pieces? It's so abundant it seems like it would make sense for it to be useful for stuff like fences, furniture, and embellishments like windows and doors.
Iron feels too scare for something simple like fencing but it also requires you to put time into mining it whereas black metal just piles up and it doesn't take long before you never really need it anymore. Would be nice to have something more to actually do with it.
We will probably find more uses for Black metal as we develop the new biomes.
How plausible is adding oars to the longboat so that in multiplayer games, others could help speed it along in open ocean if the wind is unfavorable.
Or maybe it could be an upgrade to the boat down the line? Hmmm?
Sorry, we have discussed adding oars but will not do so since we feel it is too multiplayer-focused and could lead to difficulties balancing boats in the future.
Are there plans to utilize the cool blue troll hide in more build or armor items? For example, I’d love a blue bed, huge blue rug, or blue chair.
We have had some interesting suggestions on our discord about diffrent things to use troll hides. No plans right now, but never say never
Would you ever consider a Highland biome, inspired by Iceland/Scotland/Scandinavian plateus? A biome without trees, hosting sheep, lingonberries, big castle ruins, geysers and great view distances? Feels like a natural fit.
While I personally think such a biome does sound interesting– We currently don't have any plans on adding other biomes besides the ones that you can find in-game for now.
Heya folks, got a very simple question.
What's up with not having diagonal parts? Doors, walls, triangular floor parts, etc. They feel like a very obvious inclusion in a grid-based system and I often feel like I could create some really neat stuff if only I had that one bit of nuance in my tool kit.
might seem as very obvious to some. but we want to be putting in things in a pace we feel is good for both the build system and the feel of valheim. There will be more build stuff coming in the future =)
Could we get bears in Black Forest? Or more animals in general? Squirrels and such! I'd love to see a grizzly bear hunt greylings for sport!
Love the game, keep up the good work!
Adding more animals would definitely be nice! But, like we said in the last AMA, we want every creature in Valheim to serve some sort of unique purpose, either by adding a new mechanic or offering a new resource. Because of this, we don't want to just throw in new animals for the sake of it, but rather want to make sure they're truly adding something to the game.
Will the game get more NPCs and Random encounters? It’s always so cool when Odin shows up.
We want to keep the world interesting with mysteries, we have many things up our sleeves that we want to implement as random events and mysterious happenings. Keep "an eye" out.
Will you consider adding traps and defences along with harder raids on our bases?
Yes, this is something we will consider in the future (if it ever will make it into the game I cannot say though!). But, I mean… who wouldn't want to be able to scream "It's a trap!" in their best Admiral Ackbar voice?
Will we be able to customize our gear more so we don't all look like the same character in the same biomes? Customizations to keep things fresh or new skins etc?
as of right now you can customize certain things in your arsenal against the evil forces of Valheim. Capes and shields mainly. I think the general philosophy is that we would rather give you sidegrade armors that would benefit your playstyle rather than looking different. But we are still young, anything is possible.
Is there a possibility for a neck rain coat?
I think we want the weather to be able to affect you. Maybe in later stages of the game we could start thinking about being able to craft a Neck Rain coat, but as of right now. there is no plans. (I feel you tho)
Will you be adding more ocean creatures? If so can we have some information about them?
yes, we will be adding more. they will be wet and scary, big and small, not all have to be in the waters…. look to the sky.
Are there any plans for more/other mounts in the future?
Maaaaybe..? It's definitely something we are considering. I for one, love to have my Lox (named Bert) as my companion on my journeys in the game, and it would be a lot of fun to have other mounts to take care of as well. <3
How soon can we expect the next big update such as the misslands?
I know you're all very excited about the Mistlands, and so are we! But we're still too early in development to be able to say for sure when the biome will be released. It unfortunately won't be in 2021 though.
Any plans for dual wielding?
We would like to add dual wielding. That being said, it will probably be a specific weapon that will come as a pair, rather than being able to dual wield any existing weapon. Whatever we decide, it will most likely happen sooner or later.
Do you have plans on what you will do after the current road map is finished? will you leave it as a finished game, or continue bringing more and more updates? Personally i would love for it to have a solid end but im interested in hearing if there are any plans surrounding it.
When we've released the three final biomes (Mistlands, Ashlands, Deep North) the game will have a solid end, ie you will be able to win the game. This will be Valheim 1.0 and we will consider the game as having left active development. That being said, of course we will still support the game so there will be patches and most likely some content updates from time to time. ALSO we will work on the Ocean biome before 1.0
we were told about a game build, in the past, which had fire mechanics… can we expect something similar in the future or is the idea completely abandonded?
I came to work one day and Richard had made a burninate system it was hilariously fun!! it's still there in a branch from 2019. I really hope we find a good reason to put that in =) I would love to see everyones houses burn to the ground. I am speaking for myself as Grimmcore and not a spokeperson for Irongate.
Would you like to add more Norse mythology into the game? Like hints at the children of Loki or some of the classic tales. I love the game and Norse stories and it's been really cool to see your take on the worlds.
I too like the mythology quite a lot and I think it would be cool to add more references to it! But Valheim is separate from the other nine worlds, so who knows how many of the mythological creatures have actually found their way there? Maybe some of the gods don't even know that Valheim exists?
Hey!! Will there be engine optimization? Sometimes a high-end system can show poor frame rates.
The short answer: Yes. This is something we will keep working on throughout development, and optimization and performance is something that lies close to my heart (QA here… hi!). If you (or anyone else) see poor performance on high-end systems, please reach out in our Discord channel or report the issue over at our bug tracker so we can investigate further.
Hello, are you guys planning to change/improve the terrain modelation? Like to dig some caves or dungeons without the floor getting down when we dig. It would be good!
There is no plans for either of such things. You play as a Viking and build villages, houses (and perhaps some fortressess of stone) You are not a cave and tunnel building dwarf
Can u give us a hint of some of the things coming to mistlands?
New creatures, new mechanics, new Mist. personally I am very excited to be working on Mistland content, it feels like a very big box of toys to be able to play with. I think if you like exploring, you will love Mistlands… or hate it.. what lurks in the mists do not give hugs.
how are you planning to balance the Ocean biome difficulty since it is so present in between the progression of the game in general throughout the other biomes?
There are multiple ways we could balance the ocean biome.
You will probably encounter ocean Biome so to balance such a Biome would be very diffrent from how we have balanced other biomes. But we have plenty ways to do game balance.
We can balance a biome depending on what diffrent monsters, bosses and other key things you have done in the game. Example. you will not get the troll event unless you have killed an actual troll ingame and also you have to had killed the elder for them to trigger.
We could also use range from middle of the map as a trigger since we have mountains having a minimum range from centre of the world to spawn in. And some monsters do not get stared versions unless you are X distance from the boss stone location (map centre point)
We could also balance on actual places (like a swamp biome, but under the water level)
There are a few diffrent ways we could balance a large biome like Ocean
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/valheim/comments/qmqp4s/todays_questions_and_answers/