
Windranger DOTA 2 Hero phantom lancer

Dota came into being as it is thanks to fans.

Once upon a time, this challenging game was beloved by many. Before, who remembers, there was no ability range, no disable timers, there was one courier for all and it was fine, why? Because they were developing the game itself, the patches came out rarely, and yet they were great, with their own little patches and so on.

Now the game is mired in cosmetic items. We keep getting fed with annual compendiums in which nothing changes from year to year and what makes me personally happy is that this year people are finally getting bored. My complaint to myself and to you, whoever is reading this, you and I together let all this happen to our game.

We get fed crap and we keep eating it.

We're being fed the same bullshit in the guise of swag and supposedly useful features and we're eating it.

When in fact, what we have is:

The worst community in terms of toxicity.

Worst matchmaking in terms of in-game experience.

A game that's 10 years old and still has a mountain of bugs.

The game as before does not encourage your contribution to the game, you lose or win 30 mmr and it does not matter if you sweated like the last time or stood asleep at the base.

And we are silent, there are millions of us who can change this.

But we are silent.

Fans who gave birth to this game and kill it.


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