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Trying dota as a league player

Windranger DOTA 2 Hero phantom lancer

Been playing league for the past 11 seasons and am not happy with the direction the game has moved in so finally let my friend introduce me to dota.

Firstly I am envious you guys actually have a functioning client unlike what league has.

However I feel like the rest of the game struggles a ton with just readability issues that start from the moment you enter the pick/ban phase. In league you queue as a main role and off role and get put into a lobby with a full team with their roles already assigned and marked clearly on the screen beside the player name. You start by pre picking your character and then the ban phase starts with very clear visual and audio queues to mark the start and end of it where as in dota I felt like it just threw me in in the middle of it and it was just very hard to track what was going on.

Actually figuring out what role a character in dota fills on a team is also a nightmare. On league the champs are very clearly catergorized into the different roles such as toplane/midlane/jungle/support and then those categories are further categorized into sub sections such as toplane being divided into tanks/juggernauts/fighters or midlaners being divided into mages/assassins/skirmishers.

Once youre in game actually being able to tell what a character on your screen does also feels very difficult, a lot of abilities and such just feel like they lack good visual indication. The fact that you cant easily get an overview of the game state by being able to view items, farm and k/d/a of your team and the enemy team in the scoreboard just makes tracking the state of the game a nightmare comparatively and the map just doesnt feel as user friendly.

The game has its strong suits though, I feel like itemization is a loooot more interesting in dota and character designs at least on paper seem more interesting. But as a gameplay experience I feel like for a new player league is just infinitely easier to read and therefore learn. Only been playing dota for a couple days now but I still barely know how the pick/ban works and have no clue what is going on 99% of a game.


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