Turning shadows down is necessary to achieve a decent frame rate but breaks critical aspects of the game. Shadows just don’t render in areas where you could use darkness for concealment.

I have shadow quality on high (gets better frames for some reason) but shadow distance on 40. The shadow pop-in is annoying but I have to keep it like that to get 60 fps at 1440p. However, there are times where shadows just completely don't render. Look at this example I saw today.

From the second floor of the shack in the storage area on Customs.

Same view but right in front of the shack.

If you were trying to hide in that shed you would be so pissed that the darkness around you just didn't render and I could see you clearly. PUBG had this same problem early in its development and the devs solved it by forcing shadows on at the lowest quality. People bitched but it was necessary for fair gameplay. BSG needs to do the same until they optimize this game correctly.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/er2dnb/turning_shadows_down_is_necessary_to_achieve_a/

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