Two Sides, One Goal

This post is a direct result of watching the discussion play out in the following thread by Alumenadus, which I honestly believe was created in good faith;

Apologies for the formatting ahead of time, I don't post much at all.

In an incredibly short time I've watched this sub go from a majority agreeing that the game needs to be in a better state and the communication from BSG has been lacking, to a strong divide straight down the middle, creating two very passionate sides that both want the same thing, even if they don't realise it. There's a lot I want to say, but to respect everyone's time, I'll keep it brief.

Regardless of your background with Tarkov, all parties involved in discussions here care about the future of the game. As I've read through Alumenadus' post above for the past 2 hours or so and seen the replies, it very quickly descended into shit-flinging the second Nikita briefly responded to the post. The divide only grew from there. In a lot of circumstances, it's usually the Dev that'd gaslight a community (ref. Blizzard and World of Warcraft), but in many instances I've watched unfold here, most of the time we do it to each other, and that's arguably worse, since we all want the same thing for Tarkov, even if we may not see eye to eye sometimes. More communication from BSG rather than less is something I think we can all agree is a good thing right now, but I think a fair few people are looking for something a bit more reassuring than a single-line reply. Even just a somewhat detailed post outlining the progress of audio occlusion fixes, for example, would go a very long way for a lot of people.

My whole point of this post – Just be good to each other. Realise that even if you don't necessarily agree with the OP or some of the people commenting, try to always engage each other from the perspective of "Is this person saying this because they want the game to be in a better, healthier state and reach it's potential?" and I think you'll find that divide might close, even if just a little bit.


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