Unpopular Opinion: Why are people so obsessed with dressing up their heroes?

Mod Skin Dota 2

Wanting a

New Patch – Understandable

New Map- Understandable

New Hero – Understandable

New Sets – Partly Understandable

But why are people obsessed with getting new sets/ Arcanas/ Personas? It hardly changes how the game is played. (Exceptions are a few pay to win/lose items). There are so many posts and comments how they want the untradable/ unmarketable items they missed from the previous battle passes.

The items are literally adults version of dress up your dolls. When I was young even I wanted to get all Arcanas and Immortals, but now I hardly care. There are people who don't play certain hero because they don't have best set. As a adult I am surprised how many people are still fixated by online pixels.

PS: I know I will be down voted, but thanks to you guys the game is still alive.

Btw, I have bought all the TI battle passes/ compendiums but they all are around 50-100 lvl which I reached by playing.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/wsdi7h/unpopular_opinion_why_are_people_so_obsessed_with/

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