Updated data for the new XP values today (11/17/2022)

Edit: I have updated this post with answers to questions below in the "Update's" section.

Disclaimer: This post is NOT meant to be my opinion of the XP changes. This is only meant to show factual numbers from my play session today so people may better understand the changes thus far. Healthy discussion and/or venting and/or opinions are welcome!

Notes: I did NOT max out my daily Accolade (mission) XP for the day. I completed one Daily Mission for Quest XP. There is still more XP I could have received if I kept playing any missions I wanted, as well as any Quest XP I didn't do today. If anyone has any questions, I will try to update this post with the answers, as well as respond to your comments as best I can.


Question: So what is the new Accolades (mission) XP Daily Cap?

Answer: The general consensus seems to be 320,000 XP, or exactly 4 Battle Pass levels.


Archer's Twitter here –> https://mobile.twitter.com/archer_fortnite/status/1593458804955422720?cxt=HHwWgICxmeaVjZ0sAAAA

u/Haehja's comment on this post that has some numbers to seemingly back this up a bit here –> https://www.reddit.com/r/FORTnITE/comments/yygdhr/updated_data_for_the_new_xp_values_today_11172022/iwu3o8q?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3

Question: What about the Quest XP Daily Cap?

Answer: It seems there is no Quest XP Daily Cap besides the amount of Quests you have available in any given day. If you have Quests available, you SHOULD get full experience from completing them.


Archer's Twitter here –> https://mobile.twitter.com/archer_fortnite/status/1593654118572527616?cxt=HHwWgMDUhcb-5Z0sAAAA

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/FORTnITE/comments/yygdhr/updated_data_for_the_new_xp_values_today_11172022/

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