Valheim is Great! Your Complaining Sucks

fictional character

I took a break from Valheim, waiting for new content and all that, but I always go back, even for solo play. It's fun in many ways as I'm sure you all agree otherwise, we wouldn't be on this sub lol.

What does suck though? Is having to see the excess posts about Mistlands. The amount of posts and even memes made is beyond annoying. It feels like I'm on a sub with a bunch of impatient teenagers. Can everyone keep their angst to a minimum or instead text your angst to a friend?

Just a small request to maintain the sanity of those of us who are patient and can occupy our time with other things.

But feel free to troll me too, this is Reddit after all. Thanks everyone!

EDIT: From the comments, it looks pretty clear what the issue is. It looks like about 70% or more of the community are patient players/well adjusted adults who are grateful for the game they received and the other ~30% are teens who haven't fully developed proper communication skills or adults that never did and/or entitlement issues for either/or/both.

2ND EDIT: If your comment response takes my post out of context or contains name calling, I'm simply not going to respond, it takes too much time to ask you to re-read the post properly. A lot of people have really good points and opinions and I'd rather respond to them.


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