Vampires are still awkward to play with.

Ciri Gwent witcher Game card

First things first, thank you dear reader for dedicating some time to read this post. I appreciate the gesture and I'll make sure to make myself clear so there will be no missunderstandings with anyone. I've decided to make this post because after maining vampires for quite the time, it's been rather clear that the overall archetype isn't doing great. On the contrary, I feel qualified to inform you that vampires, even after all these changes, feel very incompetent.

Ofcourse, arguments will be presented and in no way I'm saying that vampires are the worst deck you can play to rank up. Surprisingly, they tend to win some specific matchups (or players who aren't good OR careful enough) but still I don't feel like this should justify the overall lack of vampire ''hitters'' if you will.

A very inconsistent archetype. If you decide to stack up a full vampire deck like I did up to this point (I tried all the possible vamp lists, modified them, literally tried e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g), then you'll quickly realize that they don't have such an impact, contrary to other lists where for the most part the impact is a given.

Just so we're clear because some people could be confused here. I'm saying that the entire archetype, the way that vampires work, even the way that bleed is working on them specifically, should change somehow. I'm not sure how, not sure when, but it has to change. Let me go in some detail so you can further understand my complaint(s) and my frustration.

The majority of vampire cards involve boosting units: What if there were vamp cards that actually damaged units based on their stacked bleeding? Let's say, what if Garkains got reworked? Fleders are the better choice anyway. Garkains are removal bait at this point. Also take a look at what all the vamp cards are doing. All of them, like literally every single one except Gael, puts bleeding on a target. But what exactly other than protofleder exists to capitalize all this bleeding? Okay, Orianna exists (removed most of the time btw), Elder exists (Removal priority target anyway, gets removed almost always) and….what else? Okay, fleders had a really decent rework, true. Also Nekurats are by default okay with the overall archetype. But what in the world is going on with the rest of the cards? Why is there not a different perspective on some other cards? What if vampires had some sort of aggressive playstyle? Like, make some cards that can damage units based on their bleeding. Make cards that Idk….force the entire bleeding to go off or smth? Or maybe give it like a rain rework treatment, Idk really…but having a bunch of different vamp cards doing the exact same thing is really awkward and weird to me….and I'm like maining this archetype since CC.

Disagree with me, try to twist my words or make up fake facts, Idk…but there is no way you can convince me or you can convince yourselves that vampires are in a good state. Just go to the deck builder and look at what all the vamp cards are actually doing:

  1. Bruxa: Gives bleeding, also an engine.
  2. Garkain: Bleeding related engine
  3. Alp: Gives bleeding, you wait, it gives bleeding again.
  4. Nekurats: Give bleeding, play vamps, more frequent bleeding.
  5. Fleders: Bleeding related engines
  6. Plumards: Give bleeding, more bleeding if bonded.
  7. Queen of the night: Give bleeding or purify smth
  8. Protofleder: give bleeding BUT at least it's somehow original and boosts itself based on how much bleeding the target has. At least it does smth different and unique to vampires.
  9. Elder: Gives bleeding, also an egine which gives bleeding each turn, also procs the bleeding again if it has devotion.
  10. Orianna: Gives bleeding (based on how many vamps u have on board) and then boosts itself every turn based on how many enemy units have bleeding.
  11. Detlaff: Basically spawns blood moon and guess what. More bleeding but surprisingly it has the old leader (kinda) stuck in and it's one of the few cards that have a different application compared to the other cards. (Also the placement is kinda interesting).
  12. Gael: Basically, dmg smth by 1, if it has bleeding dmg it by 3 instead, you kill smth , you boost gael by the dead unit's base hp. Again, interesting application.
  13. Regis: reborn: Literally the only card anymore that has drain. In a vamp deck. Also a huge payoff for all the bleeding you've done throughout the game.
  14. Katakan: Actually a unique card on the vamp archetype that spawns ekkimaras (tokens) and while it works with bleeding, it's giving smth completely different to work with.
  15. Dettlaff, higher vampire: So you have a vamp card that's literally not fitting into the vamp archetype … AT ALL! Hmm. And it's such a thematic card. You could rework it to have synergies with vampires.

See? Like all the ''interesting'' cards are golds! Like Gael and Dettlaff are literally the only vampires that are more aggressive, propably Elder as well if u count his devotion. And that's basically it. Okay? Like what? Can we like get some more damaging cards please, Cdpr? Like, it's not even me being biased…it's that you literally have half the vamp roster doing the exact same thing, on a barely different way. Like either ''give bleeding'' or ''boost by that bleeding'' is what almost all the vamp cards are doing, with very few exceptions.

Return drain into the game. Give some cards more aggression. Make them deal dmg based on bleeding. or idk, drain based on bleeding, Idk….just do smth that's not translating into: ''I'm having a whole archetype doing the exact same thing over and over and being incompetent''.

That's all I wanted to say, idk what you'll think of all this, I do hope that in the future, vamps get some….variety, if you will. Thank you for the time reading my complaints and….have a great rest of your day!

Edit: I'm not counting the neutral vamp cards.


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