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Vet Tarkov Player & Unity User Analysis of Cheating Problem

Hello, first id like to start with saying I'm not slandering BSG or Tarkov. Ive followed the game since before it came out when only the rendered trailers were uploaded to youtube. Ive also been playing since release. This will be a long post. It also may be controversial.

Those of you who say they need to fix the cheating problem before the game dies do not understand the problem. Cheaters will play against cheaters. The game will not die. Itll just die out of any legit players.

Second, take the number of people you see blatantly cheating and multiply that by 3 and thats the number of people who are cheating but not blatantly. This isnt correct math but you get the point.

I will provide several examples and excerpts of others people thoughts on the problem. First a discussion I had with a man in youtube comments who apparently is friends with someone at BSG and plays tarkov with him as well.

This quote below is from his comment.

"I'm from Germany and know one of the developers myself we play often together (Idk how much the devs are involved here). Battleye is a framework for devs like a hull around the game, you can then add additional complexity like custom-made code to detect certain behavior. If the developers know what should be banned but can't implement it themselves they can ask for assistance, for example bohemia did exactly this and Battleye made a custom anti-script extension for them for Arma 3. This costs additional money, but if BSG really wanted they could instantly ban any of the speed or flying PMC's within a few seconds. I think they either do not care, or they care too much, because a strict setting could lead to a lot of false-positives. Imagine someone glitches through the map and falls down with a lot of speed, this could potentially trigger a ban. Strict boundaries are not really the best option for a game in development so they might rely a lot on manual reports." End Quote

First off If this is true why dont they handle it like rust where if you glitch through the map on "accident" it kicks you, when you reconnect youre automatically placed above ground again and if youre kicked 3+ times (for falling through or flying) it bans you. This seems to work correctly in rusts case as if someone accidently falls through it usually doesnt happen again unless they recreate the glitch (which you dont if you dont want to be banned). But if someone were cheating and trying to fly under the map / through things they will just be banned. Same as the speed hacks. A simple script / code to detect if they player is moving faster than the max speed you can achieve in tarkov legitimately. So in this case I think false positives would only be a problem if it were not thought about critically for more than 5 minutes

Another example of the problem being avoided is people who are blatantly cheating with evidence such as having 20+ LEDx's the first day or two of wipe. There are cases where these people haven't been banned and to my assumption will not be banned and are still playing this wipe. How Is there not a system in place to detect examples such as these or at least a manual ban executed at that point?

Tarkov hacks are also promoted on youtube and other platforms with no punishment. Same with people literally uploading videos of them clearing lobbies with ESP and Aimbot with no punishment.

This has led many legitimate players such as myself to believe that BSG do not care to fix the problem as theyre quite literally cashing out on cheaters buying new accounts / or that even in some peoples cases, they believe that BSG may be selling the game and supplying cheats through external non-connected services.

While I cannot say that anything in the paragraph above is true, as more years and wipe cycles go on its definitely starting to feel that way.

Many of us long term players have pushed through and continued supporting Tarkov and BSG through these several last wipes. I'm not sure if it was copium that BSG would make an effort to solve the issue or if its that we actually believed they would. Personally though this wipe is my last straw.

The manual report system is outdated and too insignificant to fix the issue. Clearly.

On top of sneaking being busted, same as general audio issues. Streets rubber-banding problem, desync coming back worse than ever, all of the changed this wipe that make the game more of a grind for casuals and vets alike, and many other issues. I'll be putting the game down until further notice.

I cannot begin to explain how disappointed I am as Tarkov is the only game I truly enjoy immersing myself in. All I want is the best for the community and game but as time goes on it doesnt even feel that BSG feels that way anymore.

EDIT: I wont be surprised if this post is removed by the admins as Ive heard from several places they delete any posts related to the rampant cheating problem.


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