We Need to Talk About Vilgefortz

the witcher and ciri gwent

You know it, I know it, we all know it: the "summons the top unit from their deck to a random enemy row" mechanic needs to change. It is too RNG heavy and binary: while it can at times backfire, it can also turn a card that is already a great tall removal option into sort of a double tall removal if used properly and/or RNGesus is in your favour. Imagine losing, for exemple, a 12+ power unit and, on top of that, a card like Dagon or Renfri: that just feels like something that should never be allowed to happen. I propose it to be changed to either "top bronze unit" or (if the devs feel like he should summon big cards, since sometimes his ability can backfire) "the highest power bronze unit". As it stands, however, I think most of us can agree the card is problematic.

(P.S. – Yes, I know that, ideally, losing a single card shouldn't make the difference; but we all know that in 2023 Gwent some golds can easily play for like 20+, so we have to take that into consideration.)

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/gwent/comments/11b2fx5/we_need_to_talk_about_vilgefortz/

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