I have finally boosted my behavior score to over 9000 and I am sad to state that 2k plays are a total shit turd of a fuckfest.
So I am asking for tips for cheesiest heroes that can snowball the whole game on their own.
My experience in 2k so far.
If I play support my carry cannot last hit and/or feeds all game long.
If I play mid / core then my supports go afk jungle for most of the game. Which is fine at laning stage as I can farm on my own but definitely can't win the game on my own with a regular carry pick.
I am not even gonna comment on cores never buying BKBs and supports never warding. I thought that was exclusive to low behavior but apparently supports are so dumb in 2k that I outward them as a carry player becuase it's better spend that few extra than having no vision.
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/s185lm/what_is_the_cheesiest_highest_winrate_hero_on/