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What is your “Beginners Luck. No I’m not a smurf. Really its my first time playing ____” story?

Windranger DOTA 2 Hero Warriors Ice

Usually when you pick hero for the first time without practice, it goes poorly. But I want to hear if you have some stories where you picked a hero for the very first time, without any prior practice, and just dominated a game and had a KDA score that was not indicative of your experience playing said hero.

A few games ago I tried Drow for the first time, and safe laned against a Shadow Shaman and an Ursa. SS was really passive and so I just zoned Ursa out and got ahead in lane, and then they just left. Then nobody even bothered to contest as I farmed, took t1 tower, and farmed the enemy triangle a few times.

So when I was farmed up, I came out of the safe lane and wrecked shop. My final score was 17/0/12. Not a KDA score that you would expect in your first Drow game but a good lane, bad enemy team, and zero pressure led to a perfect storm where I was unstoppable.

What are reddit's "beginners luck" stories from Dota 2 and what factors, if any, led to them?

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