Today my position 5 witch doctor, who died in a first blood to enemy at runes. He kept pinging me who was at my safelane tower the whole time because I have a brain and don't want to lose all my precious lane regen and a tp for a chance at first blood or 40 gold rune.
He then proceeds to contest last hits by auto attacking every creep and push the lane forward. I asked politely twice to stop, to which his reply was "you play ur game and I will play mine."
I went on to get rampage and 80% kill participation that game but we still lost and he proceeds to flame other lanes for the loss.
I don't normally care about the loss as long as we as a team try hard to do our best and other lanes sure tried hard even though they lost their lane bad.
If I can, I want to understand what makes people do such things or talk shit. The fact that I have to face these kind of people every 3/10 games is so frustrating.
P.S: not my worst story but on top of my mind.