Why aren’t people buying Hurricane Pike on Troll Warlord anymore, even though it’s still a really good build.

Windranger DOTA 2 Hero Guides

Why aren't more people playing this build? Everyone I see rushes basic farming items like Maelstrom or Battle Fury, but Dragon Lance kinda offers you some better stats even if you play melee while farming (like the old Meepo build) and you also get some survivability out of it, and then it builds into a really good late game defense item (Hurricane Pike) which lets you be a lot safer when fighting enemies. I remember this build was insane back in the days, and I recently thought about trying it in this patch, and believe me or not, it worked wonders, we won after being 20k networth down after a miraculous high ground defense comeback (against Huskar, Jugg, Shaman, Bara and Bristle) in which I got an Ultra-Kill.

Now I'm not really that good as the 9k+ mmr players to know when a build really is underrated, maybe it was just that game, but to be honest I see no downsides to using it every game.

What do you guys think is the reason more people aren't playing this build on Troll Warlord? Even though, to be honest this hero isn't really in the meta right now. But as a Grandmaster Troll Warlord I'm starting to love this build and hope the next patch it would be even more fun to play my favourite hero(expecting some really big buffs to him).

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/10539tm/why_arent_people_buying_hurricane_pike_on_troll/

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