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Wild Hunt analysis: Better but isn’t good enough

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I would like to summarize my experiences with the Wild Hunt archetype after the new patch and hours and hours of playing in pro rank.

The Good: WH is really good on red coin, most of the time if I come out aggressively I'm able to win on even and after that, if I shorten down the third round Mammuna and Auberon are good enough to win the game. The Winter Queen, Wild Hunt Warriors buffs are great and that's it.

The Bad: Oh my God where should I start? The archetype struggles with proactivity and it shows when I'm playing on blue coin . It's easy to play around frost it's still a weak control tool beside it WH only has Parasite and Imlerith's wrath and those aren't enough against competitive decks. Devotion is a huge disadvantage WH can't interact with its opponent graveyard and has no carryover (Mushy truffle) sometimes I feel like Xavier, Squirrel or heatwave would be useful and that's the general problem with the MO faction that most archetypes aren't deep enough and they have zero or weak synergy with each other and this why competitive monsters decks usually need neutral cards. While I like the Auberon buff but in a world of Savolla,Fucuysa, Gord, Silmas, Terranova,Eist Tuirseach, Jacques, Gerhart of aelle, Glusty, blightmaker a highly conditional 18 points unit for 12 isn't qualify as a great finisher. If one can't earn dominance Auberon is still just a 13 points card and a weak engine. Imo Ancient Foglets are overpriced awkward units it's easy to lose points with them, susceptible of tall punish if one doesn't boost them up immediately weak removals can handle them.

The ugly (conclusion): Wild Hunt has too many bad matchups. Pirates are terrible because of their armor, since Skellige has multiple options to resurrect key cards and Wild hunt only has one hard removal it's tough to handle cards like Melusine, Sigvald, Knut, Crach an Craite or messenger of the sea, Cerys:fearless.

The same thing happens against alumni. Frost isn't enough to remove ban ard students and aretuza adepts and one has to deal with Leticia,Raffard, Shani too…that's too much.

And again similar thing happens against swarm decks, WH can't generate enough points to compete against firesworn in a long third round and it lacks efficient control tools against fallen knights or other engines.

Playing against NG and ST elves is especially challenging on blue coin, since the archetype struggles with proactive plays it's hard to bleed them out without using up win cons or getting one card down.

Not to mention certain certain archetypes that are hunting for devotion decks (Wiy,Clog)

Possible solution: The White frost leader ability certainly needs an extra charge. I think devotion should grant a lock ability for brusiers but honestly the whole archetype needs more help and more depth.


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