WLTM Single Cyclops. Also open to group play with Scouts!

EDIT: Sorry, I know I'm a bit wordy in this age of Twitter and I daresay the confusion is my fault but I'm not asking how to AX fight or how to practice or how to use Gauss guns. The AXI site has all my basic needs covered there.

I'm asking for where the best place to look to find scouts on their own so I can practice Gauss usage on scouts and only scouts as they apparently provide good practice for timing/aiming and it seems sensible to do that before moving on to interceptors. 🙂

A few years back I got my combat ranking up to Expert using Scouts for some engineer or other.

With all that's going on, I'd now like to tackle some of the bigger boys but I need to practice.

Specifically I'd like to practice with my AX Challenger (yeah I know, but I find I'm even more drunken with the Chieftain in FA off than the Challenger) that has some lovely Gauss on it.

I believe Scouts make a useful target for practicing with Gauss but short of hauling my slow and fuel starved way out to the Pleiades in my Challenger, I'm struggling to find a nice bunch of squidgy scouts on their own.

I took a looksee in H Puppis yesterday but all of the appropriate threat level signal sources there were either combat aftermaths with nothing going on or filled with "gunna eat yer alive, tasty human' monsters.

Any advice?

(other than "eh, AXMCs rule"…I really want to git gud with the Gauss ;->)

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/10rlrf1/wltm_single_cyclops_also_open_to_group_play_with/

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