You know when people say watch your own replays and git gud?

Manage your Mods easily with Dota Mods

Well I did. And while obviously like any human being you can learn from your mistakes I also found out that in all my games where I was mid and I had no wards/sentries at my disposal (either to buy them myself or have them placed) I've lost those games.

11/20 games as mid were lost on vision. The first 10-15min The wards where used to block camps for their safelane or to protect my carry.

All those 11 lost games, my mid opponent had mid vision, runes and my movement.

So if you want your mid to be successful don't leave him out of vision. He is the tempo controller, if your mid gets ganked, underfarmed because you wanted to block a camp that will quickly be dewarded your game has a high chance to be a failure.

Just think about this next time when you are one of the supports or offlaner.

Before getting that ward look at your mid lane.


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