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Can we talk about the fact that Mirage has no passive abilities while Gibraltar has 4? What’s up with the balancing of the game? Stop with the delusional threads, this is the Ultimate balancing post:

Hello legends,

Your friend main pathfinder here speaking, been playing since day 1 and i think i might afford to say that i am able to see the "bigger picture" of the game.

I bet the most frustrated players from a "gameplay" standpoint are Bloodhound and Mirage users, being "forced" to use sub optimal and below average legends.

Now, what are the REAL passives from an utilitarian and really cynical point of view?

Wraith: The first legend in this list also happens to have 2 passives, a "good" and a "bad" one (from now on "low profile" will be called "bad"). her good passive is very nice, quite good and versatile, since you'll know if someone is aiming at you basically anytime (even if it's glitched sometimes and you hear the voices while downed enemies stare at you). But it's useless regarding traps and regarding "kill zones", DUH i can see all the dead bodies around and i know that there's been a fight here recently. Her "bad" passive makes her take 5% more damage, which is basically a failed handicap put on her just because people like to use her (didn't help much, it was just a lazy try to balance her)

Pathfinder: another legend with 2 passives, a good and a bad one. Nothing much to say, his good one is useless in casual, but quite useful in ranked if you want to get nice positioning. But his second one is absolute bullshit, i genuinely think they put it there as a form of revenge just to try to stop people from using him, because of the fact that the devs managed to break his hitbox in season 1. Don't forget that he has the third biggest hitbox, so low profile my ass.

Bangalore: It's a nicely balanced passive, makes you strafe / run away faster, nothing much to say here as well.

Crypto: seems like Neurolink is a "wasted" passive, it should be included in his drone (active). He's a hacker ffs, he should be able to do something else, not linked to his active.

Wattson: her good passive ability is very strong competitively, since you'll have an ultimate always ready at the price of 1 spot in your backpack. While her (deserved, since she is the same size as lifeline) bad one has been put there one season late, further confirming that the devs tried to "nerf" some legends ONLY because they were used a lot, instead of buffing others. i bet that if they released her already "nerfed" even less people would have used her in Kings Canyon. What a sly tactic.

Octane: kinda underwhelming, the concept is good but together with the nerf of his active in season 1-2 it gives the impression of not being enough. Healing on your own is good, but it's slow and not versatile since it's primarily used to "counter" his active's side effects.

Caustic: ok, this is the first legend in this list to actually have 2 good passives, the first one makes him 15% harder to kill, which is huge, but deserved thinking about the fact that he's fat AF, the second biggest hitbox in the game. his other active is surely useful, since it lets you see through the gas, but it's also underwhelming, because the gas slows your teammates, it would be way better if he could share his see-through ability with his teammates.

Lifeline: she's nice, her main passive ability is the only thing that still makes her viable, since she can heal herself 25% faster, but she can also revive faster and create a little shield. Useful? Yes, but i think that the ressing part could be reworked, maybe a bigger shield, or a combination with her active to res with more health. Oh yeah, she is also 5% easier to kill, but we already agree that low profile is just a lazy way to try to "balance usage" and has nothing to do with the legends' strength or weaknesses.

Ok, now we can talk about the "stars" of the post, Mirage, Bloodhound and Gibraltar. You might be saying, "dude, why putting Bloodhound and Mirage together?" Well, it's because a good headset will absolutely make these legends useless.

Mirage: He has no passive ability, as simple as that. Any ability in any game that activates when you either die or take damage is a bad ability if not optimally implemented. He basically prays to his invisible god not to be thirsted right away, which is useless, since you can either see his shield, or you can still execute him while he's invisible. Paired with his useless ultimate (you can hear his footsteps) and his useless active (you can get BaMbOoZlEd by him below gold 3) he really his one of the shittiest character in the game.

Bloodhound: you can see red shit all around you, wow so cool, here, let me waste 15 seconds trying to get close to the traces and trying to read what they say, WHAT??? a guy just got ressed here 10 seconds ago? BANG too bad i'm dead. This was the POV of a bronze-silver player trying to use this wasted character. I talked about a good headset, because if you have one seeing "crows" signalling enemies being there recently is useless, you can already hear them. From the enemies POV a headset (or even a pair of eyes) is a good counter for you as well, since whenever you use your useless active EVERYONE will know where you are, and whenever they hear your gay ass scream while you use your ultimate, EVERYONE will know that you're attacking.

Gibraltar: From utter shit to absolute ranked-casual meta. Incredibly tanky legend with a total of 4 passives that will absolutely surpass EVERY legend from an utility standpoint. He has a total of 300 health if he's wearing a level 3+ shield, which is basically like wearing an extra level 3 armor on top, he has a self regenerating 75hp shield that will make him devastating in mid range G7 fights in ranked, he can heal 25% faster inside his shield and he's even able to res faster inside of it. He's a better tankier lifeline, with absolute position control, thanks to his active and ultimate, at the moment, he's the best legend around.

So this are the actual description of our legend's passives. I think that the devs went overboard by buffing a legend that was already very strong, and making it even more meta than it already was. All of this just because they are trying to lower the pick rate from the other legends.

When will they learn to buff the "bad legends" and live alone the "good legends"? Don't nerf the "old meta" anymore, just because they were your playerbase's favorites, instead, buff sub-optimal characters like Mirage and Bloodhound, their actives and passives are absolutely USELESS, both for you and for your team.





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