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Obscure Legendary skins

I’m constructing a definitive list of every legendary skin in the game and I need a bit of help with some of the more obscure ones. It would really help if you guys could list any legendary skins that only appeared through special deals or quests that might be hard to find. For example, the Nocturnal Elegance Devotion skin. You could only get it through a quest during the Fight or Fright event.

If it was in the shop at any point in time, I already have it. I already have all the collection event skins and all the recolors. I’m just looking for weird quest legendaries.

Gun and legend skins acceptable. No banner frames or anything like that.

Edit: Does anyone know what the Twitch Prime Pathfinder skin is called? I think it came out either early season 1 or season 0.

Edit 2: Mostly I need the season 1 and early season 2 skins. I think I have all the ones from the second half of season 2 on.


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