Ranked is starting to infuriate me

Let me start this off by saying 1) This is going to be mostly a rant 2)I don’t play ranked every season the way people normally do, but there is a reason for that. (I am going to sound a bit pretentious but that is mostly because I’m severely aggravated.)

I started playing this game since day one. I would consider myself an average player. I normally see people with a 1.0 KD and below so because I sit at a 1.43 I think that’s alright. Anyway, I really never touched ranked because I felt it would be too much and I didn’t wanna ruin the experience for anyone else if I didn’t do well. You have to play a whole different way and I didn’t know if I was up for it.

I started in season 3. I got ti plat 1. Pretty good considering I did it in about a week from bronze. Season 4 came. I got to play 4 and quit. Now it’s season 5 and I’m stuck at gold 1. I know this is an old excuse, but please believe me when I say it’s true

My teammates are bots. I am a level 500 who is getting paired with level 100 and below. After I die I spectate obviously and watch them play. Their game sense as well as their mechanical skill is so bad it hurts. I know it takes time to learn this game, but honestly if both your teammates go down why would you get the banners and proceed to go into a 3v1 fight willingly?!

Also if you’re in a duo and you have a random… stop treating the ransoms like outcasts. I don’t have friends to play with so I am forced to solo queue and the amount of times I call dibs on something and one teammate takes it back. Takes it. And drops it in front of the other player. Like come on man… you help each other and leave your 3rd to die? Not cool…

Some things really need to become normal (especially in ranked)

  • if a teammate pings an enemy. Don’t ignore it

  • don’t spam pings whether it’s an enemy or your death box

  • Stay as a TEAM. If it’s pubs I get it. Have fun. I don’t care much. Ranked. Stay on each other as much as possible…

I will never understand why people can’t just stick together and fight as one. The communication is no where to be seen and even when I try to guide people they want to do the opposite. This game is honestly very fun, but people ruin this experience so quickly…

Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/hodtsy/ranked_is_starting_to_infuriate_me/

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