Thoughts on the Battle Pass? (Complaints and some other rants)

Use this thread as a healthy feedback to help the devs to improve the next season pass…

Try to be as non toxic as possible in comments.

Right now, the game needs a lot of our support.

I just have some inconvenients with the challanges, some of the daily are too specific, on the other side, the weekly ones, they are very long in time to complete (for ex. that one challange that i need to make 5 takedowns on 4 different areas took me 2 weeks to complete the 50% of it).

Also, they just need to improve the progress and time you take to complete the XP for the Battle Pass, its just too much and inconsistent (increasing the xp bar to 54000 its just much, even the normal level xp bar is limited to 18k).

Other than that, the rewards are great, a good upgrade from the last battle pass. The 10 dollars i spent were well worth.


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