279e internal crit missions need to be gone/reworked

This isn't news by now to many. It is more of a vent and outlet for me to cope with the fact that I have been 2 crits close to finishing this stupid mission several times already. For those who are unaware, 279e missions include dealing 25 (30 for honors) internal crits over the course of 10 battles. This doesn't sound incredibly difficult at first until you remember that HE rework means not even full pens mean dealing any kind of internal module damage whatsoever.

The point of these missions is inexistent, there's no real skill point beyond perhaps learning weakpoints in a few vehicles for fuel tanks etc, and should overall be reworked to fit the current state of the game or removed altogether. A potential idea is to increase the number of crits required but also include external module damage so that tracks are also included and that way rng is partially removed, but the prospect of anything happening to these missions is just seemingly non existent as you'd expect.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldofTanks/comments/11cglbk/279e_internal_crit_missions_need_to_be/

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