A sincere question about whether there are still people who play this

Recently I acquired a relatively good computer to run WoT, until then I was playing the Blitz version, with worse graphics and much smaller maps, in addition to some features being very different. I played several battles, and I have the feeling that all the tanks that entered the field with me were robots, both because they didn't react to anything in the chat (request for help or anything), and because of the almost regular movement of the other tanks, in addition to that sometimes I was facing the enemy tank and he just ignored me, even if I was massacring him with cannon fire… So my question is, in addition to the Youtubers who get sponsorship to bring this game, still is there anyone playing it? (As I mentioned, I started recently, so I'm referring to someone who is playing in the lower tiers, maybe that's the point, people have already moved up a tier, and anyone who starts will play with robots due to the lack of player tanks lower tiers). (?????)

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldofTanks/comments/11won5d/a_sincere_question_about_whether_there_are_still/

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