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Blueprints are most retarded concept ever

Who the hell thought this was a good idea? The main problem is that it is allowing players to get to the tier X way too easily and not learning anything about the playstyle they would have to use.

This is most noticeable with EBR 105,freaking tomatos don't even play lynx or ebr 90 and just jump straight to the tier X,making games absolute nightmare,3 of my EBRs are boosted potatos while enemy has 3 players with a lot of experience with wheeled vehicles.I suck at EBR 105 eventhough i played every tank in the line for at least 100 games,how this tomatos wouldn't then.Considering the power EBR 105 has,game is pretty much over as soon as my EBRs suicide.

It's just dumb and pointless,don't we already have enough sources to get xp from? Back in the day real OG players will remember griding tier Xs for literally months,but at least we learned a lot along the way,now there are premium account x3 boosts,personal reserves,blueprints and etc.


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