I've been keeping some statistics, over the last 250 battles I have which contain Chinese Light tanks.
The sample size is small – 250 games.
I guess what prompted me to keep these stats was feeling horribly outclassed myself when I played one by literally any other light tank, despite having a lot of experience in lights, a 4 skill crew, and a wn8 of 2200.
It seems like I was right.
In the 250 games over tiers 7 to 10, the side with the chinese light wins in 80 of the games.
I'm not sure if this stat is meaningless or what, but the number of times I see my chinese light tank, or the enemy's chinese light tank die instantly because they are out played by an actual light tank, is really frustrating.
Playing a chinese light tank actively hampers your team and it feels like nobody good plays them.
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldofTanks/comments/qnq5ue/can_something_be_done_about_chinese_lights/