does QB hate wot?

I don't hate QB and have watched him for years. BUT, everytime there is a new gamemode or tank or change he just craps all over it. Honestly, pumpkin bash is brainless fun even if you choose to dump 9k credits per game in it. But in his video, he clearly hadnt read about the event as he was tryharding for a win. Then he complains its no fun even though he didnt use any abilities to have fun.

Also, he has historically complained about players being forced to play gamemodes because they have crazy OP rewards. This gamemode has a crew and bobds as rewards and he complains that its not worth playing cause it doesnt give OP rewards.

Same thing with the last BM style auction wot had. QB has been complaining for years that all they auction are OP premiums with nothing novel. Wot sell the 268 5 (only tier x turreted ussr td) and says its boring and generic. Wot sell the super beautiful peregrine the same way they sold the qilin which he was happy about, now the peregrine aint shit cause its a skin.

TL DR; seems like QB never sees positive in wot anymore and I question if its for clicks or if its cause he is burnt out of it and hates it.


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