Does the Concept 1B suck?

I'd say i'm a pretty good player with 3300 recent WN8 and 60% recent WR, but for the love of god, i can not make that tank work. I have some of the worst stats on it out of any tier 9 heavy. Everyone says that it's the dominant tank at tier 9, but i just don't see it. Gun is trash (low alpha and bad accuracy) and the armor is trash unless you can hide all of your hull AND use all of your gun depression. It can't side scrape, it can't play on flat ground and peeking around cover is so awkward because of the long hull and center-placed turret. Only really good thing about it is the speed. It's basically an AE Phase I that gives up 30mm gold pen and A LOT of armor to gain 10 km/h top speed and 10m viewrange.

I feel like the only people who complain about this tank being broken are the ones who never played it.
What do you think?


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