E 75

So I started playing the E 75 two or three weeks ago and I must say that this tank is just a fucking powerhouse.

By far I'm not a good player, my WN8 for the last two months were at ~1500 and I have a total of nearly 3k matches.

So what I have to say about the E 75, the armor literally does not give a shit about getting penetrated, even against premium shells with 340mm pen. I still can't believe how many shells this tank can take.

At first I thought: "Be careful you're not indestructible" and now when I'm facing T10s like a Obj. 277, E 100, 60TP, ST-II and even Chieftain (some of the last I had to fight against) I just say fuck it and it's working (most the time, it's not like I don't get penetrated)

And the gun handling… it barely lets me down.

I can't even believe my win rate with this tank. For example, I've only lost one of my nine last games with it.

The grind was well worth the effort, by far. I never had a tank working so well.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldofTanks/comments/vj8fbw/e_75/

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