I want to hear people’s opinions on their favorite tiers to play and their favorite tanks. I find it fascinating and may learn some new things 🙂
My opinion: While I haven’t made it to tier X yet (close to Kran), I have played for a long time as both a casual player and a player who was investing most of their waking hours into the game (temporarily). I also have only put $20 into the game during the BM, but I’m F2P besides that. Tiers IV-VIII are my favorite. Tier IV is great for completing daily missions and sometimes stress relief or confidence boost if I’ve had a bad day at higher tiers. Tier VII is my absolute favorite though, there are some absolute banger tanks at that tier. Tier VIII is on this list purely because of the mechanics that come into play at this tier.
Favorite tanks (by tiers listed):
Tier IV – P26/40, Hetzer (Look how they massacred my boi)
Tier V – ELC AMX, M10 RBFM
Tier VI – VK 30.01 (.02?) M, KV-2, Easy 8 (Verts + IRM = memes), VK 28.01 105, STRV 64, Cromwell
Tier VII – EBR Hotch (fight me), SU-100M1, T29, VK 30.02 D, T71 DA, (No IS, fight me), Scorpion (Meme passive scout)
Tier VIII – Patriot (5k scouting in Tier X games lol), P44 Pantera, IS-2-II
(Honorable Mentions: Standard B, Emil II (fully upgraded), IS-3-II)
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldofTanks/comments/scr85k/favorite_tiers_and_tanks_to_play_and_why/