If the Kranvagn were to receive its historical 145 mm gun, how would you “balance” it?

For reference, the Kran's 12 cm L/40:

  • Alpha Dmg: 440/440/530
  • Penetration: 252/300/68 mm
  • … at 500m: 228/300/68 mm
  • Shell Types: APCR/HEAT/HE
  • Shell Velocities: 1,000/840/680 m/s
  • Magazine Reload: 21.05 sec
  • Intra-Clip Reload: 2.75 sec
  • Clip Damage: 1,320 / 5.5 sec
  • Aim time: 2.40 sec
  • Dispersion (at 100m): 0.35
  • … moving: 0.20
  • … tank traverse: 0.20
  • …. turret traverse: 0.10
  • … after firing: 3.00
  • Ammo Capacity: 48 shells


Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldofTanks/comments/tcq4b7/if_the_kranvagn_were_to_receive_its_historical/

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