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Prem Tanks concept is a big pile of garbage.

If you think about it, then you can see that prem tanks is a bane of humanity in WoT.
Remove them from the game and it will not ger worse, therefore they are bad concept that sucks fun from the game.
They have made it so appealing to the eye that prems have so much bonuses to them.But you dont level up them to the next level tanks, you only earn silver and exp(and spend gold to move it to free exp).

My friends whom i play with are trashtalking me with "U CANT PLAY ON X tanks cuz u wont profit in silver on them!!!" " u need prems to farm silver!!!" "prems are so good and fun to play!"
They are blind to my points…i even tell them that the first x tank i have i bought instantly for my silver, and i profit on it when i play. Not much, but still.And never EVER do i feel like i am missing some silver in this game, i am farming it WHILE leveling my other tanks as well.
Its a sad thing that the game tries to force you buy prems , when you alredy playing for premium account. Like…chill plz, i am already giving you money.


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