The WZ-114 isn’t going to be a bad tank. You people just don’t know how to compare a tanks strengths with it’s weaknesses.

I don’t even know where to start,

I see some people comparing it to the 50TP, E75, etc.
So I took all of the tanks that are single shot (Not autoloaders or autoreloaders, even though, for some reason, people keep comparing it to the Emil II?)

The WZ-114’s playstyle will be unique, unique in that, it’s pretty much a Tier IX TD disguised as a heavy. With .31 dispersion (Fully decked out crew), it’s the same as the Conqueror. It also is 1 of the few that have -10 degrees of gun depression.
It has the same amount of HP as a Mauschen, and it’s armor is about above average. Average concealment, below average mobility.
Literally the one thing keeping it from being OP, not competitive, but OP, is it’s aim time and DPM. But if those two aspects of a tank are what make or break it for you, you have a lot more to learn about this game.

Edit: Also, for those complaining about the aim time, you’ll be aiming .7 seconds longer than you would with the 50TP, and 1.4 seconds longer than the E75, but that would make sense, since it’s more accurate than the 50TP by .07, and the E75 by .04.
Also, I just checked the shell velocity for AP, and it’s 1,271, which is 200m/s faster than most of the other tanks, the Conqueror included.

And dumbo me forgot to mention, 266mm of AP pen. Do you people realize how good that is for a tier IX heavy? The closest any tank comes to that is the Conq. At 259.
So like, come on.


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