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Tier 10 Medium Tank Ranking: Results + Analysis

Hello again, here I am back with the results of our tank poll regarding Tier 10 Medium Tanks and the data from said poll. First and foremost, what I've done is convert each tier (S,A,B,C,D,F) into a corresponding number beginning at 6 for 'S Tier' going down to 1 for 'F Tier'. From there I averaged the rankings of each tank and calculated their standard deviation. Below is the chart, in order of highest average rank for the tanks. In total 146 separate entries were used with most people ranking at least half the tanks or more.

TankAverage RankStandard Deviation
Leopard 15.350.854
Object 1405.240.971
TVP 50/515.080.803
Object 430U4.951.06
UDES 15/164.700.980
Progetto M40 mod. 654.591.14
M48A5 Patton4.360.847
E 50 Ausf. M4.250.887
Bat.-Châtillon 25 t3.980.887
Centurion Action X3.321.13

For a visual reference I plotted average rank with standard deviation beside it, however it is descending order so the top stretch is the AMX-30B and the bottom stretch is the STB-1. Further discussion is available in the comments


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