If you want the most FPS possible, follow this video. Process Lasso will allow you to permanently set Tarkov's CPU Affinity to High. It will also allow you to disable hyperthreading for EscapeFromTarkov.exe (even though we have an in-game setting now – this method seems to make for smoother play)
Force V-SYNC OFF in Nvidia Control Panel and turn VSYNC ON in-game.
This essential trick works again now that exclusive fullscreen has been implemented. I know it sounds counter-intuitive, but turning VSYNC on in-game actually UNLOCKS the fps and makes gameplay much, much smoother even at the 60-80fps range with no input lag. No idea how this works, but it does.
You can probably crank up Shadow Distance for a big visual fidelity boost at zero cost.
I was shocked to see this as in the prior patch, Shadow Distance destroyed my fps and I would keep it at 40. I'm now at 150 with ZERO fps cost and the game looks absolutely gorgeous. I didn't know how bad it looked until I cranked it up.
Also, my pc (7700k, 1080) actually runs BETTER with Shadows on Ultra. I had never tried before as I assumed it would tank frames.
If you value FPS, here are some pretty standard looks/performance settings.
Textures: High Shadows: High LOD: 2 Visibility: 1000 (or 400 for decent fps boost) Shadow Visibility: 150 Antialiasing: TAA Resampling: 1x HBAO: low (or off for decent fps boost) SSR: off Anisotropic: On Sharpness: 1.0 All settings below that are unchecked
There are also some Nvidia Control panel tweaks that make a difference:
Maximum refresh rate: Application-controlled Textures: High quality Power management: Prefer Maximum Performance VSync : off (and on in-game, as mentioned)
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