Have no space in stash? Here’s a quick guide on what to keep/sell.

If you haven't reached lvl.15 yet

– Sell all items that would fit in a junkbox if you HAVEN'T found a junkbox yet. Then buy a junkbox..this should be the first thing you need to think of when you hit your first million.

Remember that Junkbox holds dogtags too.

– Sell all items you can already buy from traders (ESMARCH, White Bandages, cheese, etc..keep only the IFAKs, SALEWAs, CARKITS only if you cannot buy them, once you can, sell most of them..by the time you can buy salewas & ifaks you should have a medcase by then anyways and med station lvl.2 to craft infinite IFAKs.

– Sell your mags…all mags, all except the 50-round MP5 mag for an early gunsmith quest and any 60-round AK mags that are found in raid.

– Use any rigs found in raid to store stuff, stack backpacks in backpacks, when you scav try to focus less on loot and more on larger rigs for storage, like the AZIMUT or MK3 or Triton rigs are good for storage.

– Sell any small rigs that don't give you extra storag and that you can buy from traders (like the Bank robbers).

– As for guns, only keep guns if you can

– A) buy the ammo for them

– B) buy the mags for them

You are allowed 1-3 'trophy weapons' or 'weapons I want to use later once I unlock good ammo or mags or attachments'.. limit yourself to how many you keep.

Once you've reached lvl.15 and unlocked the flea market

– You should already have a scav junkbox by now, if not 2 already, limit yourself to X number of Scav junkboxes (1 wipe I had 5….that's too much, 2 is a good number, 3 if you plan on maxing out your hideout or do a lot of scav runs & loot runs.

– Sell all items you can already buy from traders – I cannot stress this enough, ammo like PS 7.62, if you can buy from traders you don't need 500 rounds of this taking up space in your ammo case (if you even have one). Right click and filter by item, if you can buy it from a trader on that screen, sell it.

– Sell all ammo you find in raid that has a penetration value UNDER 35, with a few exceptions like .50 BMG slugs.

– Sell all of your 9×18 ammo, unless you like running PMs and KEDRs

– Sell all masks except the lower half masks, you need 7 for a quest, all balaclavas you sell.

– If your scav junkbox(es) is/are full, sell half of it on the flea market now…worst case if you needed an item for a hideout upgrade you can buy it back at the same costs, but now is the time to sell cuz prices are super inflated…sell those motors, propane tanks etc etc.

– At some point – sell all lvl.3 armours under 20 durability / Sell all lvl.4 armours under 30 durability, they aren't worth it to wear anymore in raid.

– Sell any rigs you have that aren't AZIMUT or MK3 or MPPVs (keep only 2 Wartech rigs for Ragmang quest later on but they take up 9 slots and you can fit 10 slots in them and one 2×2.

– You shouldn't be saving knives anymore at this point, you can just buy the gun outright, be smart with your barters, only items that fit in scav junkboxes should be kept as they will eat up your limited storage space.

Once you've followed these rules you should see you have a bit more space and a bit more cash.

Remember, be cutthroat, if you can buy it from a trader and you aren't using it for that raid or aren't on that quest or that very next hideout upgrade, just sell it…if you found it once you will find it again.

[EDIT] Take 2mins to learn what an item can do, use the wiki, perfect example of this are APOLLO cigarette packs, they don't sell for much, take up space, have no use as a quest item BUT they have a decent barter value (quite a few in fact), and crafting value.
Only keep these if you plan on ever actually doing the barter for it, and not (nice to have for maybe one day), I'm talking "next raid" type of thing.

Anything else to add folks?

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/10brf8u/have_no_space_in_stash_heres_a_quick_guide_on/

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