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I Fixed Lighthouse Being Unplayable

Hey everyone to preface this post I've complained the last week or so about my experience on Lighthouse. Somehow I was able to run the map just fine wipe week anyways that obviously changed and I'll once again quickly explain what was happening.

I have an Nvidia 2060 GPU (6 GB of dedicated memory), Ryzen 7 3700x CPU, X570 Motherboard and two 8 GB 3600mhz memory (I bought two more, increasing my max RAM to 32 GB)

I start deploying into raid and timer hits 0, instead of actually being able to see the map my screen stays black for around 10 seconds but I can hear audio (friends running off without me). I move a few steps and suddenly my PMC is having a seizure and teleporting, my frames also vanish into the void never to be seen again. My game would freeze and stutter every 3-5 seconds with frames jumping between 5-45 fps.

I decided to do the usual and obsessively mess around with every setting that could or could not possibly help. I watched many tutorials and read as many reddit and EFT forum posts as I could find. I ran offline raids to see how much I could increase my FPS by, and yes I recognize online raids are different than offline ones and ran online ones as well to ensure that these changes were in fact helping.

Here is what I found.

1.) Memory and RAM frequency was what was contributing to the stuttering issue. It seems stupid looking back after I had already known how insanely hungry Tarkov is for memory as I consistently saw Tarkov utilizing almost all 16 GB of RAM and all 6 GB of my GPUs RAM. I purchased two more 8 GB 3600 mhz memory sticks. This helped quite a bit with the stuttering however it was still there just not as often.

What FINALLY completely fixed it was this. For whatever reason my four 3600 mhz RAM was defaulted to 2133 mhz by my motherboard. A lot of motherboards do this and I had even read when purchasing that my motherboard did this as well however I had just forgotten about it. All I had to do was in my BIOS change my memory frequency from auto (default 2133 mhz) to 3600 mhz. This finally fixed it and I no longer want to mess around with my computer ever again.

Note: I also have within my advanced system settings ("SystemPropertiesAdvanced") set my paging file size manually for my SSD where Tarkov is installed. I set my initial size for my VRAM on my SSD to 8 GB and max to 24 GB.

2.) My Post FX settings for whatever reason were eating anywhere from 10-20 FPS which I found pretty insane. The setting in post FX adaptive sharpen and clarity was what was using up so much of my FPS. Setting both adaptive sharpen and clarity to 0 gave me back these frames and honestly there wasn't that much of a noticeable visual difference to the game to be worth the amount of FPS I was losing.

3.) Most other graphics settings have very minor impacts on FPS and to be quite honest there is maybe a 5 fps difference between high texture and shadows vs low texture and shadows. Long story short these settings are all up to you, run some raids and try them out but they aren't that big of a deal. You can find Youtube videos explaining most of this settings if you care, you might also want to consider modifying your EFT 3d program settings in the Nvidia Control Panel and follow one of the video guides as well.

Hope this helps even one of you, I understand your struggle well.


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