Killed a fellow playerscav

I see a lot of complaining from people that get killed by other player scavs and I wanted to give some valuable insight from the 'other side'.

I spawned on Lighthouse with a lot of time left, and only a bank robber on me. No backpack. I went roam around the map, and in the middle of the road there he was… another player scav looting some dfuel. He didn't pay attention to me at all, his only focus was to loot.

Since he was standing still I shot him in the head and took all of his loot. Some nice items, too.

To conclude:

– Spawning with very little inventory space sucks, and you got to get creative
– Occasionally killing another scav's is not that bad for your rep, granted you do enough PMC runs to balance it out
– Never, ever loot when there is someone looking at you with his gun.

I hope this will bring some clarification to the newbies that have been complaining about player scav kills.

Stay safe, and happy new year!


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