Life saving advice for everyone having issues with performance

Life saving tips to all of you mf's asking about PC issues all the time or to you that have no fucking clue about PC's.

  1. Majority of the time, it's on you and your pc, you cannot longer pretend that your PC is fine and the game is running fine whilst you are running the game on 20 fps. It's time to upgrade your 2015 PC.

HOWEVER, it's always worth to do all the steps below before you buy a brand new PC. Most of yall just needs to understand how and where to squeeze out the performance from your components and mantaining your PC is as important.

  1. When was the last time you cleaned your PC physically? This also goes for when you last time deleted and cleaned up all the garbage you've downloaded and gathered the past years. Don't get me started on how much garbage that's being shit out from every game that you've played.

Example: alot of games makes a save fil/ crash file when you crash in their games without telling you. This shit can easily get a few GB's big in just a few years, and let me tell you, this shit is slowing down your PC.

  1. There is tons of useful and worthy windows settings videos out there. You'll be amazed how the right config and the right windows settings can impact your frames and the performance of ur PC.

  2. Invest in a good cooling system and start overclocking your pc. I know for a fact that alot of you have bought expensive ass components and literally wasted all of that money by not overclocking.

  3. Have the right and correct ingame settings. Trust me, you don't need to play with everything ON and having the highest settings just for the game to look good.

  4. Take a look at what you have opened in the background. Some program can slow your game performance down by a big margin. Even programs such as RGB changer are known to fuck your system up. And what if I told you that you don't need 30 tabs open on chrome while gaming?


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