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Mistlands Bugs/Suggestions

Is Valheim coming

Mistlands Bugs I've seen since newest patch:

  1. When using the new Skoll and Hati daggers (2 handed) the idle animation has a visual glitch.

2.The Balista I just built didn't attack a nearby Deathsquito, but it did turn to automatically target my own character and attack me with my own bolts for some reason. Not cool Dverger tech not cool…


Skoll and Hati are fun but block armor and not just power should also increase with quality upgrade similar to that of wolf claws. That or make the parry multiplier stronger as it improves to save on the flavor of needing to parry with the weapon.

Black marble should be magic resistant and or much more durable. The dwarf mages and Mistlands mobs decimate buildings in seconds and can't hold up as real protection. More of a liability than anything being in a building sometimes.

I'd really like to see armor perks for the heavy armor as well. Feels weird that only light armor has perks to it. I overall really enjoy the update and what the next zones will offer / build on it. More to come as I explore. Thanks for reading!


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