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Punisher Questline for Dummies

I've been seeing a lot of posts of people struggling with their first time completion of the punisher questline, so I'm hoping this quick guide (with inclusion of data on my completion of the quests) helps!

Part 1: AKM Scav kills on shoreline

Quick and easy! Your key spots to visit should be:

  • Pier
  • Gas station
  • Power station
  • Scav Island
  • Repeat

Part 2: Suppressed Scav kills on shoreline

Continue the above! Recommend silenced shotguns as their silencers are relatively cheap, and you can work on completing Silent Caliber at the same time if you have it (more than likely you don't, but if you procrastinated punisher like me…maybe!)

edit: Humanitarian Supplies (UNTAR helmet/Armor) is another good/common quest to work on here too

Part 3: AK-74U Scav kills on customs

Another easy task that comes naturally with play. To grind this task specifically, visit these spots:

  • Old gas
  • New gas
  • Fortress
  • Old construction
  • Storage

If you are struggling with this one for some reason like I did on my first wipe, there are two easy spots to farm scavs:

  • Hut with med case and file cabinet south of big red. Watch hole in wall to storage, scavs regularly stroll through here.
  • Hut with ammo case and duffel outside checkpoint. Easy scav farming of checkpoint. Run to gas or repair shop if you are bored.

Part 4: Scav vest/balaclava PMC kills on shoreline and shotgun scav kills on woods

Here is where it gets fun. A lot of new players struggle here as A.) they haven't played shoreline much up to this point and B.) they haven't hunted PMCs before. I recorded where I got all 10 of my kills this wipe here. As you can see, power station, gas station, and the resort are the most likely places to find PMCs. However, knowing this isn't useful to new player as actively hunting PMCs is not in their nature. For them, I recommend taking a scoped mosin and learning a shoreline loot route such as a cache route or the safe/valuables route. Simply run that route, make some cash, and kills will come with time. Most straight foward way to do this is to pvp at resort. If you don't know the area…then learn only the main building/theatre building. You can make a lot of pvp moves here without having to know the layout of the 3 story buildings.

For the woods scavs, your key locations are:

  • Scav village
  • Scav bunker
  • Scav house

There are more scav spawns…but these are the most consistent and dense in my experience.

Part 5: Paca/6B47 PMC kills

Factory is the name of the game here. Some say going factory with paca armor is a surefire way to die and lose money. I disagree! AP-20, flechette, SMGs, impact grenades, hell even a VPO with .366 AP, can all destroy PMCs on factory…no matter what either of you are wearing. Just grind out factory runs and chase/3rd party every fight. It may not come natural at first to dive into nearby fights…but punisher is really where you learn to pvp (at least for me when I first did it).

Part 6: SVD PMC kills

This one is my favorite, because after the struggle of parts 3 and 4…something as simple as SVD kills is a breath of fresh air. For the build I recommend:

  • CAA XRS DRG handguard
  • Magpul RVG
  • laser
  • scope mount
  • preferred 1x/4x sight

Customs is my favorite map to grind these kills. Fights break out constantly, and there is plenty of ways to utilize a DMR in close, medium, and far range. For close range tussles, stay around fortress and old gas. Medium range, hit up new gas mountain, old construction, and both checkpoints. Long range, hit up the river, bridge, and skeleton.

Happy hunting! Punisher is the crucible that makes rats into chads. Embrace the transition. Don't let these tasks happen passively…chase them!


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