Push option for ships

fictional character

Title more or less. It occurred to me today while attempting to free my boat from the clutches of a vile sandbar, that there should be a push option (Similar to Halo's [press X to flip vehicle]).

Especially after watching that post the other day where those fellows flipped their boat during a storm, it should be possible to flip/push boats. Thoughts? Am I delusional? Do you think it will get added in that Sea update that's supposed to come out? Any other implementations for it?

Big Edit: Looking at my replies, I suppose I wasnt clear enough.

When you stand at the bow or the stern of a boat, and move towards it, you tend to slide off in whichever side might have the least resistance. What I propose is that we can, "grab" the boat and push without the whole sliding interaction.

As for the righting the capsized boat, by technicality its possible irl, but in game I wouldnt be too mad if it werent implemented. Appreciate the responses so far.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/valheim/comments/y35ckg/push_option_for_ships/

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