Split the hammer up and remove the need for stations.

Bones + Beech seeds = Chance of Birch Tree?

In short, let's split the hammer up. Now you use an iron trowel to build with stone and a black metal chisel to build with marble. As a result, we can remove the need to place workbenches and stonecutters everywhere.

Most all of us love building in Valheim and that's why I would love to streamline the process just a bit, without removing the feel of progression associated with it. Imagine if building your base was as easy as slapping down a campfire; why not, right? If the ability to build were tied with tools rather than stations, we could build and repair anywhere, anytime, so long as we could create/repair the tool itself.

Additionally, more tools means more building pieces can be added without overcrowding the hammer menu. I would love to see a fuling hammer so we could emulate their bone and hide structures.

I would not extend this courtesy to naturally generated structures. You'd need to knock those down with an axe or pickaxe like any other tree or rock. I think it would just feel right for vikings to have to destroy other peoples stuff the hard way.

What do you think?

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/valheim/comments/10g6368/split_the_hammer_up_and_remove_the_need_for/

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