Spreadsheet for the wipe

I'm almost certain that half of this information will end up worthless or needing to be changed.

Regardless, due to sheer boredom, I wrote up a quick google spreadsheet for the wipe for my squad with information on what to hold on to for quests and hideout upgrades that allows you to track it as you gather your stuff, figured some of you clowns might want to use it as well.

I'll most likely update it shortly after the wipe as things change, but you're free to make your own copy of the spreadsheet and use it as you see fit, or if you're interested in helping me update it post wipe I can set up individual permissions for folks that want to edit it.


Feel free to comment with any errors you notice or suggestions and I'll do my best to see if I can't edit them in.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/zl6ntp/spreadsheet_for_the_wipe/

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