Suggestion: Shrines and Worship

Bones + Beech seeds = Chance of Birch Tree?

So, I had this idea when I saw the obliterator for the first time. With the gods obviously being real within the setting of the game, one must wonder if our Vikings wouldn't be devout little pagans who'd worship their gods.

I think for this purpose it would be neat if we could build shrines to individual gods at which we could sacrifice things in order to obtain their blessings.

The blessings would be temporary buffs or abilities to help you on your journey. It would probably make sense to only allow on at a time and give at least some of them cooldowns so they'd not be too abusable.

Obviously, the entire pantheon would be a little much, but just as an example:

1) Thor:

Sacrifice: All manner of foods, maybe with an emphasis on meat. Thor in myth is shown to be a voracious eater who does not turn down a meal when it's offered to him. Considering his appetite, you should have to sacrifice a rather solid amount of food to sate him.

Boon: + 50 carry weight for 60 minutes. Thor is most notable for his strength and won't mind helping you carry some of your burden in exchange for a good meal.

2) Odin:

Sacrifice: The drops of fallen foes or slaughtered tame animals. Odin is a god of victory and death, of magic and wisdom, of poetry and frenzy. We know that he was likely worshipped with animal, or in some cases even human sacrifices so that would make for a decent in-game approximation.

Boon: Runic Protection. As the Lord over those who have fallen in battle, Odin shows himself mercyful and will spare you the skill drain and gear loss of your next death (long cooldown when used)

3) Aegir:

Sacrifice: Aegir is known not only as a personification of the sea but also as a master brewer and host of the gods. Therefore, mead and barley wine may please him.

Boon: The sea is kind. You gain the ability to soothe a storm at sea and give yourself favorable winds.


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